Benefits GH

GH Capabilities

GH Group knows how to apply technology to create increased value while reducing its costs. The key to making technology more useful and beneficial for the customers is the capacity to adapt the experience and the innovation acquired over more than 50 years.
The ecological objective of GH Group is to be consistent with the nature of the induction technique: a clean process that takes better advantage of resources and that does not contaminate. GH Group is an organization conscious of the reduction of environmental impact.
GH Group assures its customers long term attention thanks to the international coverage of its services and its membership in a large industrial group.
The fulfillment of ISO 9001 for more than 15 years reflects the early commitment to the highest quality results.
GH Group offers to its customers a complete complement of generators covering the widest frequency and power range on the market and a large team of specialists in applications and engineering that allows the design of systems in accordance with each.
The robustness, the implementation of strict standards and the quality tests which every system is subjected to, guarantees the reliable functioning of each installation. This is supported by more than 5000 supplied systems using Transithermic® generators for more than 25 years.
GH Group offers a total control of the heating process, the operation and the maintenance of the system.
The development of software for system monitoring and application tracking, the local and/or remote communications and the modular design of the systems are among the characteristics which allow this control.
GH Group offers customized services to each of its customers to guarantee the viability of each project. Computer simulation of the heating, 3D mechanical design, definition and development of the parts processes, validation and tests in GH laboratory, as well as at the customer facilities.
The relationship between GH Group and its customers continues after the sale, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, offering services such as: installation and start-up, preventive and corrective maintenance, repair and spare parts, remote maintenance, replacement of generators, telephone service and training on an international level.
The ecological objective of GH Group is to be consistent with the nature of the induction technique: a clean process that takes better advantage of resources and that does not contaminate. GH Group is an organization conscious of the reduction of environmental impact.

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